O-Health-Edu holds Trans National Partnership Meeting 1: Barcelona 20th and 21st Feb 2020
The main focus of our meeting in Barcelona was to discuss and update on the advances made on the Intellectual outputs (IO) thus far; discuss managerial and organisational aspects such as organising the internal reporting structures and to advance discussions on Quality indicators and risk management.
During the meeting, we outlined the work completed on the quality plan stressing that this is an evolutionary and constantly changing document. The aim is to ensure the IO's as defined meet specific targets as agreed and that these demonstrate the highest level of quality as possible. During this meeting indicators have been reviewed as agreed for IO 1,2 3, & 7 and conversation started on indicators for future IO indicators.
It was noted that the Quality Committee has met and discussed its role, its membership and the project aims. The Quality Committee will validate progress of IO through Quality indicators, since quality is an integral element of the project and must be imbedded throughout each of the indicators, objectives and activities of the project.
An updated risk register was agreed, and specifically it was decided that each partner will indicate a second nominated person aligned with the project. It will be the responsibility of the key representative to ensure the second person is updated regularly.
For project management, various administrative templates have been developed and presented. The importance of tracking and documenting time expended and ensuring this is correctly validated was stressed. Declaration of days worked forms for each IOs, are to be submitted in advance of scheduled reporting periods and a monthly reporting of hours was agreed.
The bulk of meeting focussed on reporting on the intellectual output advancement. Each IO lead presented its status of advancement and results achieved thus far have been discussed.
IO 1 is almost complete and the next steps is publication through a relevant peer reviewed journal. A full report on IO01 will issue on the Intellectual Outputs pages in due course. Agreement was reached that a workshop would be held with the FEHDD (Federation of European Heads and Deans of Dental Schools) at ADEE 2020 in Strasbourg France and a preliminary vision for Oral Health Professionals Education would be prepared by the steering group in advance of this for discussion with FEHDD. IO01 leads directly into IO02 and it is expected this will near completion also very shortly.
In advancing IO03 the team gave considerable discussion and time to drafting and selecting questions so as to ensure they would be applicable to diverse locations and national situations. The methodological approach for the survey as a live online data collection and display system was agreed as were approaches to ensure validation and replicability within context.
For IO 7, developing the Glossary, initial listing of words and definitions were shared as was the various approaches to identifying the definitions. A defined search strategy was discussed and agreed. Our team agreed that the output would be an online resource with the construction of an interactive database system.
Regular zoom meetings will follow to agree definitions in advance of Strasbourg workshop.
Further subjects to be discussed during the meeting concerned:
- Publication & Authorship guidelines and dissemination: An O-Health-Edu authorship protocol was agreed
- The draft dissemination plan: A working draft of a project and national French and Irish dissemination plan was presented. Ideas for dissemination such as online newsletter and blogs, twitter and social media, international collaborations, partner website were discussed in detail. The www.O-Health-Edu.org website is to be the first port of call for dissemination.
At a practical level O-Health-Edu wider dissemination commences in IADR Washington in March with the team led by Dr James Field Sheffield making an oral presentations on O-Health-Edu entitled O-Health-Edu – Reporting a Pan European Dental Education Research Initiative for more information visit here Additionally Prof Stephanie Tubert will include discussion on O-Health-Edu as part of a symposium entitled Symposium -Time to Change Dental Education: From Evidence to Action find out more here.