Programs that lead to professional registration tend to be very competitive and are often oversubscribed. The number of places available depends on country and university context and in many cases are set by the state. You can find out more about this by looking at the various report cards on O-Health-Edu or exploring the national level reports.
We asked our students what is it they would like to have known before they became OHP students. The questions they provided are interesting and diverse. From these questions we have created the "it's good to know" series of information leaflets that we hope it will help future students make more informed decisions around studying OHPs.
Its good to know Leaflets Series
We have also compiled some frequently asked questions identified by current oral health professional students. FAQs are organized into subcategories, why not explore this by clicking in the tabs below.
While in the past this might have been viewed as a challenge, most Universities now have either left handed chairs or chairs that are modifiable to either right- or left-handed practice. So this should not be an issues for you.
The entry requirements can vary from country to country. Generally, you will need to have a high level of academic skills, thus in most countries having the sciences and maths can help you qualify for a place. In many countries entry is through a centralized application system and this may include some form of manual dexterity skills testing however, remember the purpose of your training is to help you gain these so the skills required at entry will be simple. Some university may interview you to assess your communication, empathy competence.
There is currently no centralised system for applications at a European level. Application in on a country by country basis. In many countries there is a centralised application process where you can apply to study in your hierarchy of preference.
In many countries there is a national centralised applications system that allows you rank your preferences, while in others application is direct to each university.